Please use these instructions to log into Canvas.

Instructions for logging into Canvas directly

Create a step-by-step guide:

  1. In order to log into Canvas, you should use this URL:

  2. Select the top option to use the NCSSM Students & Faculty Login.

    Canvas login screen with NCSSM Students and Faculty login selected

  3. If you are already authenticated to your NCSSM Google account, you will be taken straight to your Canvas Dashboard. If not, however, please follow the steps below:

    1. If prompted to log into your NCSSM Google account, please provide your full NCSSM email address and click Next.

    2. Provide your NCSSM password and click Sign in.

Instructions for using My NCSSM

  1. Navigate to My NCSSM.

  2. Authenticate using your NCSSM Google account if you are not already authenticated.

  3. Once you are logged into My NCSSM, scroll through the "All Bookmarks" list and click on the link for Canvas.

  4. Use the steps listed above if necessary.

If you have any questions or concerns about any of this, please Send ITS a Ticket.

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