Please use the following instructions to access eReserves from a Chromebook or other Chrome OS-based device.

Please be aware that all files scanned and uploaded to eReserves, unless it is saved in a secure subfolder, are deleted nightly at 3:30 AM. Please download scanned files as soon as possible in order to prevent loss of data.

Instructions for connecting to eReserves

  1. Install the following Chrome extension from Google:

  2. Once you do, you should be able to use the search button on the bottom-left for "files"

  3. Click on the blue circle with folder called Files.

  4. Click the + Add new services option on the left-hand side.

  5. Click Network File Share for Chrome OS.

  6. Type: \\\ereserves.

  7. Check My file share needs a password.

  8. Type in your username (not email address) and password.

  9. Click Mount.

Now when you go to the Files app on your Chromebook, you will see the eReserves drive mapped along the left-hand side. 

If you have any questions or issues with these processes, please contact ITS

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