Please use the following instructions to connect to or disconnect from NCSSM's wireless (Wi-Fi or WiFi) network eduroam from your Chromebook or other device running Chrome OS:

Note: If you have any existing eduroam wireless configurations, please remove them before using the instructions below to connect to NCSSM's eduroam network.

Instructions for connecting to eduroam

  1. Select the menu at the bottom-right.

  2. Select where you see the wireless signal indicator with the X over it, where it should say No network.

  3. Select eduroam from the list of available networks.

  4. Please select the following options (but do not edit any other options in the window):
    * EAP method: PEAP

    * Identity: Your NCCSM (be sure to include ""!)
    * Password: Your NCSSM Password
    And click Connect.

  5. You should now see the wireless signal indicator in the menu at the bottom-right showing the Chrome OS device as being connected to the wireless network.

For more information, please see Google's instructions for connecting to Wi-Fi.

If you follow these instructions and still cannot connect, please contact ITS.

Instructions for disconnecting from eduroam

See under Forget a network. In step 6, select the eduroam network connection.

If you follow these instructions and still cannot disconnect, please contact ITS.

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