Scanning to eReserves available again

Scanning to eReserves available again

Good afternoon,

ITS is pleased to announce that scanning to eReserves is now available again from the copiers on campus (those that were previously able to scan to eReserves) to all faculty and staff.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience over the past several weeks as we’ve worked to address the issues impacting the ability of our copiers to scan to a network share.

To re-enable this functionality, we have configured a new network share to which all scans will be uploaded. ITS has also developed new instructions for accessing this share. Please note that the address and shortcuts you may have used in the past for eReserves access will no longer work.

Should you have any questions or issues with scanning using copiers or accessing the scanned files, please send ITS a ticket at ithelp.ncssm.edu or by emailing ithelp@ncssm.edu.