Migrating from SignRequest to DocHub by May 31


Over the last several months, ITS has been evaluating alternatives to SignRequest for digital signature creation. This evaluation led us to the application we are now adopting school-wide for this functionality, DocHub.


In our testing, we’ve found that DocHub has much of the same functionality as SignRequest, however, it also offers a number of additional features, including (but not limited to):

  • A sender may replace a signer after sending a document

  • It’s easy to create reusable templates with various signer roles

  • It offers a full in-browser PDF editor to merge documents and perform other editing


NCSSM is migrating current SignRequest users to DocHub, which we will complete by May 31, 2023. We also have sufficient licensing available for all NCSSM employees to use DocHub without any limitations.


ITS will also be proactively working with all existing licensed SignRequest users and their departmental teams to assist with the migration, and we are creating shared folders to match the team-based sharing system in SignRequest. Please also review the documentation we’ve published for DocHub in order to learn about how to use the application.


Should you have any questions or concerns about this change, or would like to schedule either individual or group training for DocHub, please contact ITS by ticket at ithelp.ncssm.edu or by emailing ithelp@ncssm.edu.