Inspace - Floor Plan

Inspace - Floor Plan

Step 1: To access Morganton Campus maps for Inspace click on Floor plan

Step 2: Click on NCSSM-Morganton to see and select the different maps for the buildings in Morganton

  • Under this feature users have access to select the floor and building to see which rooms are available. 

    • Goodwin Hall: Floors 1, 2, 3, and 4

    • Academic Commons: Floors 1 and 2

    • Barn: Floors 1 and 2


Step 3: Click on Today’s Date (insert the day), Select start of booking (input the start time), and Select end of booking (input the end time), to search for available rooms on a specific day and time on the floor plan.

Step 4: Anything that is colored blue is available to book. 

Step 5: Click on the room and choose the option book 

  • Double check your date, start, and end time

  • Add a title of reservation and a Description

  • Make sure you are the organizer

  • Users can invite others by typing the individuals name under Participants

  • If the meeting requires zoom the individual booking the room can add their personal zoom link 

  • When everything has been added click book to reserve the room



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