BeyondTrust Bomgar Setup For End User on Mac

BeyondTrust Bomgar Setup For End User on Mac

  1. Accept invitation only from an NCSSM employee for a specifically scheduled session.

  2. You need to grant some access permissions to Bomgar client. You'll see pop-up screen asking for "Screen Recording". "Accessibility" and "Full Disk Access". Click on "Grant Access" user Screen Recording section.

  3. Go to Finder and download folder. Double click on the "Open to Start Support Session".



  4. It will open Security & Privacy. Click on little lock on icon from bottom left of Security & Privacy screen. Enter you Mac user account password when prompted.

  5. Check the "Remote Support Customer Client" under Screen Recording.

  6. Click on "Grant access" under Full Disk Access section.

  7. Click on "Grant access" under Accessibility.

  1. Click on little lock icon from bottom left to save all the settings.

    Close "Security & Privacy" window by clicking quit button from top left.

  2. The NCSSM agent should now be able to remote into your Mac and take mouse control to troubleshoot any issues.