Signing a Document with SignRequest

If you've received a request to sign a document, following these steps to review and sign the document.

  1. Click on the green button in the received email. A new page will open and you will be able to view the document.


  2. Read the document and choose one option.

    1. Click Options to cancel, decline, download, forward to a different signer, view an optionally added attachment or to add attachments yourself.

    2. Sign the document.

  3. You can sign by adding the necessary input.

    1. Add input in predefined fields. 

      1. An arrow will direct you to where you need to add input (text, date, checkbox and signature). Click in the input field to add a signature, date, text or checkbox.

    2. To add a signature you have 4 options: 

      1. A previously used and saved signature.

      2. Draw a signature with your mouse(pad) or finger on a touchscreen phone or tablet. Note: Using your phone or tablet usually creates the nicest signature. You can simply use your mobile web browser. No app necessary.

      3. Type a signature.

      4. Upload a signature picture. Note: This works best with a transparent image.

    3. If you're not satisfied with the result you can try again by pressing Clear in the upper right corner.

  4. Click Finalize in the top right corner.

After signing you will automatically receive a copy of the signed document and the signing log as attachments by email. Note: This email will only be sent after all designated signers have signed the document.