Create a new folder in Panopto

This guide explains how to create folders in Panopto.

You can get to Panopto by visiting or


We recommend that you organize your videos by creating folders for them inside your “My Folder” area in Panopto.

Placing videos inside the “My Folder” makes them easier for you to find.

  1. Click on the My Folder link.

  2. Press the +Create button.


  3. Choose to create a new folder.


  4. Add new folder by doing the following:

    1. Give your new folder a name

    2. Make sure it is in the correct parent folder (we recommend placing it within the “My Folder” folder).

    3. Click the Create Folder button.


  5. Set sharing permissions on the new folder by clicking the Change link in the sharing settings. (By default, the video inherits the same share settings as the parent folder; in most cases, this means the new folder is only available to you and no one else until you change the settings).


  6. We recommend setting the share permissions of the new folder to Your organization (unlisted). This means anyone you share the video with can view it if they are logged in to an NCSSM account, but the video will not be discoverable within Panopto. (If you wish for the video to be public or discoverable, you can choose other sharing options).


Creating a folder for a department or group of people

If you are creating a folder for a group, we recommend when creating the folder, you choose to place the new folder At the top level (Don’t use a parent folder) instead of placing it within the “My Folder” folder.


Then, when setting up sharing permissions on the folder add each person in the group to the folder as a Creator by:

  • Typing in their email address

  • choosing the Creator option using the pull-down menu

  • Ensure the folder is shared the way you wish for it to be shared, so students can view the videos.


This will allow the people you add to the folder as creators to also upload videos to the folder.