This is NCSSM's Help Portal, a unified ticketing system for submission and management of requests of all kinds. Please select from the options below to get started.
Submit a ticket to ITS for an IT request or incident.
Registrar's Office
Welcome! You can submit a request for the Registrar's Office using the options provided.
Use this option to submit an Absence request form.
Center for Advising and Academic Success
Please submit a request for the Center for Advising and Academic Success (CAAS) using the options provided.
Institutional Effectiveness
NCSSM Employees can submit requests for surveys, reports, and analytics from Institutional Effectiveness (IE).
Data Request
For NCSSM employee use only. Submit all requests relating to institutional data here, including direct access permission changes and compliance checks for new apps.
Morganton Travel and Personnel
Submit all NCSSM-Morganton Travel and Personnel requests here.
Morganton Special Events
Please submit any NCSSM-Morganton special event requests here.
Morganton Purchasing
Submit NCSSM-Morganton purchase requests and notices of invoices for payment here.
Morganton Administrative Tasks
Submit an Administrative Tasks for the NCSSM-Morganton Administrative Operations team using one of the choices below.
Auditorium, Lecture Hall, and Other Video Support
Please submit a request using the form below in order to request support for either one-way video streaming or interactive videoconferencing hosted in the Auditorium or Lecture Hall on the NCSSM-Durham campus, or elsewhere on either campus.
Submit a request to the Communications team. If you encounter any problems with these forms, please contact us at
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