
The following terminology is used to define the source of authority for various regulations, standards, procedures, and SOP’s by which NCSSM governs itself. These regulations, standards, procedures, and SOP’s directly or substantially affect the rights and duties of individuals that interact with NCSSM.

RRB Regulation

A “regulation” is any statement, or procedure of general applicability adopted by the Risk Review Board. A regulation will generally apply to students, parents, staff, faculty, and NCSSM as a whole.



A “policy” is any statement, or procedure of general applicability that is approved by the Board of Trustees. Like a regulation, a policy will apply generally to students, parents, staff, faculty, and NCSSM as a whole.



A “standard” is any statement or procedure of general applicability adopted by the Chief Information Officer or designee. A standard will generally apply to NCSSM students, faculty, and staff.



A “procedure” is any statement or process of general applicability adopted by the Chief Technology Officer (for operational processes), Chief Information Security Officer (for security documents), or designees. This type of document will usually only apply to ITS, HR, Security, or respective facilities.



A “standard of operating procedures”(SOP) is any statement or procedure of general applicability adopted by the Chief Technology Officer (for operational processes), Chief Information Security Officer (for security documents), or designees. This type of document will usually only apply to ITS members.



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