
Panopto is an all-in-one online video platform that gives users the flexibility to record, host, and live stream video. Within this tool users can also share and search videos.

Panopto Video Tutorials

Panopto and Zoom Cloud Recording Guides

Panopto Self Help Guides

NCSSM’s TLC team has created a series of Panopto guides for commonly performed tasks at the TLC Knowledge Base.

Panopto Content Retention Policy

Content Type


Permanently Deleted

Content Type


Permanently Deleted

Zoom Recordings

1 year after last viewed

2 years after last viewed

All Other Videos

2 years after last viewed

3 years after last viewed

Archived videos can be restored at any time prior to their deletion date.

If you need permanent storage of videos that may not get regular use in the classroom, we recommend downloading the video from Panopto and storing it using Google Drive.