Reserve a Room
These instructions and best practices for reserving a room in Google Calendar. To see when rooms are available, see See When Rooms or Vehicles are Available. To reserve a vehicle, see Reserve a Vehicle.
Durham Building Key
DUR-BL = Beall
DUR-BR = Bryan
DUR-CL = Classroom
DUR-CO = Cottage
DUR-ETC = Educational Technology Complex
DUR-HU = Hunt Dorm
DUR-HL = Hill Dorm
DUR-LI = Library
DUR-OU = Outside Areas
DUR-PEC = Physical Education Complex
DUR-RC = Royall Center
DUR-RE = Reynolds
DUR-VE = Vehicles
DUR-WA = Watts
(Service) = Services (i.e. Security Unlock)
Morganton Building Key
MOR-AC = Academic Commons
MOR-BA = Barn
MOR-GH = Goodwin Hall
MOR-JE = Jeter Hall
MOR-VE = Vehicles
Room Technology
AirTame = A small puck-like device that allows someone to cast their laptop screen to a TV or a computer.
Clear Touch = A Smart Board used for teaching.
Computer = A small black box-like PC that may be used for hosting Zoom meetings. These are often used with a wireless keyboard.
Document Camera = This is an overhead projector. It cannot connect to your computer.
Flat Panel = This is a TV.
Projector = This is a projector for sharing your laptop screen
Summary Videos
Room Reservation Best Practices
Here is the list of approvers of rooms that require approval at NCSSM-Durham. You can also see this on the See when rooms or vehicles are available wiki article.
Look at your reservation after you book it as a final check. Make sure you don’t have a line through the room as shown on the left below. The room should show as it appears in the screenshot on the right.
Steps to Reserve a Room
To see which rooms are available in advance of booking, watch this video on viewing room or vehicle calendars or see this page See When Rooms or Vehicles Are Available.
Navigate to Calendar, using the app selection menu at the top-right while in any Google app (such as Gmail or Drive) or select Resource Reservations from the Employee Portal.
Click the Create button on the top-left or click and drag on the timeframe you would like to schedule your room.
Add your meeting/class name to the title field.
On the event creation screen, click Add rooms.
Search for the room(s) using the search bar or select Browse All Rooms and Resources.
(Optional) If you selected Browse All Rooms and Resources, click the building (see building key) that houses the room(s) you want to reserve.
When you hover over a room, you can see information about the room capacity, available technology (see top of the page), and any approvers will appear.
Put a checkmark beside the room(s) you want to reserve.
(Optional) If you selected Browse All Rooms and Resources, click the back arrow to return to your event settings.
Click Save. Note: If you need to remove this reservation, you can click the X to the right of it.
If you follow these instructions and have any further questions, please contact ITS.