Students - Add printer on Windows

Instructions for Students and Personal Windows Laptop Users to Connect to NCSSM Network Printers.

Students (or those with personal laptops running Windows) should use the following instructions to connect to a network printer at NCSSM.


  1. Install the PaperCut Mobility Print application from:

  2. Run the pc-mobility-print-printer-setup…exe from where it was downloaded.

  3. During the installation, you will be able to choose printers.

    1. Durham Students choose Dur_Copier_Queue

    2. Durham Staff choose Dur_Copier_Queue and the printer(s) in your office

    3. Morganton Students choose Copier_Queue

    4. Morganton Staff choose Copier_Queue and the printer(s) in your office

  4. At the username and password screen, provide your NCSSM email address and password (make sure you are using the correct password - otherwise it will not print).

  5. Once the application has completed its installation, you should now be able to print

If you follow these instructions and still cannot connect, please contact ITS.

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