Purchasing methods and thresholds

Purchasing methods and thresholds

NCSSM Procurement Methods: 

State Term Contracts (STC) 

 Mandatory 1st review - State Term Contracts (STC)#: 

a. 0002A-NPWCBSD (Non-Profit Work Centers for the Blind and Severely Disabled) (Punchout catalog in E-Procurement) 

b. 001A – Correction Enterprises (NC Dept of Adult Correction)  

(Punchout catalog in E-Procurement) 

The Department of Administration Division of Purchase & Contract (DOA P&C) is dedicated  to providing quality products and services at the best available price. DOA P&C, is always  actively searching to establish State Term Contracts(STC) with Vendors for Goods and  Services that could be utilized by all State Agencies, usually at discounted prices, free  shipping, or with other negotiated benefits. The State of North Carolina has over 100 (Non IT) State Term Contracts. IT State Term Contracts can be found under the State of NC IT  webpage. Many STC’s are Mandatory contracts and REQUIRE all State Agencies to use  when purchasing the items or services listed on the STC. When making a purchase for  NCSSM, STC’s should be reviewed first for all purchases. A list of all active State Term  contracts, can also be found on the Term Contracts Link on the E-Procurement and  Department of Administration (DOA) home page. Completed requests must include the  State Term Contract number on each line item and be submitted through the E Procurement System. Individuals should refer to the Purchasing Benchmarks for  guidelines concerning necessary approvals for purchase requisitions. 

Exception: Lowe’s – STC#2714A - You can not enter E-Pro requisition, but you CAN use  your P-Card.  


E-Procurement is a state-wide, internet-based purchasing system that offers electronic  purchase order processing and enhanced administration functions to buyers and suppliers,  resulting in operational efficiencies and potential cost savings. Many Vendors have  catalogs on this system for items purchased everyday. STC vendors also have “punchout”  catalogs that they maintain and keep updated of all their products. So STC’s and E Procurement go hand in hand. A purchase requisition is processed by an e-Procurement  user in the department and then approved by the Department Director/Dean. In some  instances, approval by the appropriate Division Vice Chancellor is required to initiate  purchase requests. The Purchasing Department provides final verification and approval of  the request. 

3 Quotes required (<$99,999) 

Purchases under this $ threshold amount require comparable quotes from 3 different  vendors meeting specifications and delivery requirements. 

Electronic Vendor Portal (eVP) Solicitations - ($100K+) ONLY Purchasing can do this process. Requires Posting open solicitation on the State of  North Carolina’s electronic Vendor Portal. Please contact Purchasing immediately for  assistance with this $$ spend. 

ONLY Purchasing can do this process.

(Require 2-4 months prior notification and UNC or DOA approval based on $$ amount) (Contact Purchasing) 

  1. P-Cards (For purchase of small goods only – Not for Services and ONLY Non IT purchases) All cardholders are setup in “Groups” in BOA Works based on the department they work  in or to whom they report to, and an “approver” for each of the group(s) will be reviewing  and approving all the cardholders transactions in the groups, after the cardholder submits  the completed transaction. Purchasing will also be reviewing every cardholders  transactions monthly as well.  

See more detailed guidelines and instructions on Methods following Thresholds(below).


Goods and Services




Small Purchases  

(Goods and  


-$25,000 or less


Director/Dean and  

Purchasing Approval  


ALL ITS requests  

require IT approval  

before purchase &  

requests greater than  $5,000 require Division  Vice Chancellor  


Commodities or services should be purchased from  Correction Enterprises (STC#001A) or NPWCBSD  (STC#0002A) if available, and if not, Purchaser should  review all State Term Contracts(STC) to see if good or  service is covered under STC. If good or service is not  covered under STC, Purchaser should contact Vendors for  at least (3) three competitive quotes or bids, whenever  practical. “Punchout” catalogs requisitions should then  be entered into E-Procurement, or “non-catalog” requisitions should be entered to order good or service  required.  

P-Cards are also generally used in this threshold for small  goods purchases, if needed. (Note: P-Cards can also be  used for STC purchases)

$25,000 - $99,999


Director/Dean, Division  Vice Chancellor,  

Associate Vice  

Chancellor of Finance,  and Purchasing  

Approval Required.

IF item/service is NOT on STC, Department MUST request  3 or more Vendor quotes for item/service using email, or  e-Quote or the RFP or RFQ Forms if purchase is complex.  All quotessubmitted (written, faxed or e-mailed) must be  attached to the requisition in e-procurement. Verbal  quotes are not satisfactory. Requisitions must be entered  into E-Procurement for purchase of goods or services and  all quotes or RFP documentation must also be attached  to requisition before submission.  

[Purchases or services will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder(s), meeting specifications and best  overall value].

Over $100,000 to  


*$300,000 +


Director/Dean, Division  Vice Chancellor,  

Associate Vice  

Chancellor of Finance,  Purchasing Approval,  and UNC approval 


DOA approval only.

Formal Bid is required and can only be completed by  Purchasing dept. Must be bid through the State of NC  Electronic Vendor Portal (eVP) using an electronic process  and the Request for Proposal (RFP) Form. Bid must be  posted for a minimum of 10 business days. The bidding  process is at least 20 + days for completion. 

Requisitions must be entered into E-Procurement for  purchase of goods or services and all quotes or RFP  documentation must also be attached to requisition  before submission.  

UNC can approve to award up to $299,999. 

*Purchases over $300,000 require DOA approval to post  and approval to award. This extended approval process  can add up to 2-4 months to final approval. Please see  Purchasing Manager immediately upon identification of  purchase of this expected amount. 

Information Technology (IT) requests must be completed  on an IT RFP/IFB Form for processing. (See Purchasing for  templates and instructions)


  • All Waivers of Competition can only be signed and approved by: Dr. Todd Roberts, NCSSM  Chancellor. 

  • All Contracts can only be signed and approved by: Robert Allen, Vice Chancellor for Finance  and Operations. No other employee is authorized to sign any contracts on behalf of NCSSM.  The Division Vice Chancellor must be added to the approval flow through E-procurement  for purchases of $5,000 or more. 

  • The IT Director must be added to the approval flow through E-Procurement for all IT  purchases.





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