State Term Contracts

State Term Contracts

When a State Term Contract (STC) is available the STC (Vendors listed on the contract) must be used, or justification  must be provided for purchasing elsewhere. State contract information is available at: 


or by calling the NCSSM Purchasing Department. 

Vehicle rentals are against State Term Contract #975B through Enterprise Rent A Car (local and out-of-state pick up). Reference the contract for pricing and specify the contract number when making reservations. Due to State restrictions, 12 passenger vans are the largest vehicles we can rent for transport of students. 

STATE TERM CONTRACTS(STC): The State of NC has many State Term Contracts with Vendors for their goods and services. Many of these STC’s are Mandatory contracts that must be used when purchasing certain items or services.  • The two (2) Mandatory contracts that must be looked at before searching any other STC areSTC# 0002A - NPWCBSD - Goods and Service: This contract covers goods and services that are available through the Non-Profit Work Centers for the Blind and Severely Disabled (NPWCBSD), in accordance with § G.S. 143-129.5. This contract covers comprehensive product lines from multiple vendors including the following highlighted item types: Goods: Batteries, Lights, Janitorial supplies, Office supplies and consumables, Warehousing storage, Police and military-style gear, Prescription dress and safety eyewear, Mattresses And various Services.  

STC# 001A – Correction Enterprises (NC Dept of Adult Correction): Per § 148-134. Preference for  Division of Prisons of Department of Adult Correction products: All departments, institutions, and  agencies of this State that are supported in whole or in part by the State shall give preference to  Correction Enterprises products in purchasing articles, products, and commodities that these  departments, institutions, and agencies require and that are manufactured or produced within the  State prison system and offered for sale to them by Correction Enterprises. No article or commodity available from Correction Enterprises shall be purchased by any State department, institution, or agency from any other source unless the prison product does not meet the standard specifications and the reasonable requirements of the department, institution, or agency as determined by the Secretary of Administration or the requisition cannot be complied with because of an insufficient supply of the articles or commodities required. The provisions of Article 3 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes respecting contracting for the purchase of all supplies, materials, and equipment required by the State government or any of its departments, institutions, or agencies under competitive bidding shall not apply to articles or commodities available from Correction Enterprises. The Division of Correction Enterprises of the Department of Adult Correction shall be required to keep the price of such articles or commodities substantially in accord with that paid by governmental agencies for similar articles and commodities of equivalent quality. (2007-280, s. 1;  2011-145, s. 19.1(h), (j); 2017-186, s. 2(ccccccccc); 2021-180, s. 19C.9(nnnn).) 

NOTE: Almost all STC Vendors under contract WILL price match! If you are quoted a lower price from another STC Vendor or Non-STC Vendor, please contact the desired STC vendor and request price matching!  

See your Dept Admin or Purchasing if you have any questions about the links provided below .(i.e. Mandatory STC’s: Office Supplies, Furniture, Tires, Rental Cars, etc) 

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