Adding a New Allergy/Condition After Enrollment (For Parents)

While we have the Medical Upload instructions here, those instructions refer to completing your medical onboarding forms when you first become a student at NCSSM. For cases where a condition/allergy is developed after a student’s enrollment.

To either check on your student’s current allergies or conditions, or add a new one, please see these instructions. Please note: All residential students will have a medical packet listed under the Conditions.


Add Allergies and Conditions Manually

  1. In Blackbaud, click on the student's name


  2. On your student’s profile, there will be a Medical Tab:



  3. Here, you can see any currently listed allergy or condition for your student.

  4. I will walk you through adding an allergy. Let’s say this student has a bee sting allergy. I will hit Add New under ALLERGIES AND CONDITIONS

    A popup window will appear, and it will have two dropdowns you must interact with:

    The first dropdown is whether you’re adding an allergy (bee stings/cats/peanuts/etc.) or a condition (ADD, hypertension, etc.). Based on our example, we’ll be choosing an allergy. We will scroll down and add the bee sting allergy to this profile.
    Please note: If you do not see your allergy or condition listed, please reach out to and they can add it to the dropdown for you.

  5. When complete, it will look like this:

  6. The final piece is allowing which roles at the institution you allow to have this information. Here is a typical setup. Typically, you want your coach, the Community Coordinator (ID’ed as the Dorm Group Manager and Dorm Supervisor), and the Medical Contact Card Access role to have this access at a minimum. You can choose though if you’d like to share with the Activity Leader (your campus service group leader, your teachers, and all non-Teaching staff like the campus security.


Add Medication Manually

The same process will apply to adding medications so the Clinic and proper institutional staff have it on file.


The same concept will apply with this popup window and who you give permission too.



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