Medical Forms Upload Instructions
Steps for Uploading Medical Forms.
Medical Information in Blackbaud
Two components of medical information must be completed in Blackbaud:
Blackbaud Medical Information: This refers to the online information you complete within Blackbaud. A green check mark indicates completion.
Junior Medical Packet: This packet contains multiple forms (A-D) and is required for all residential students.
Print all forms and have your medical provider complete them.
Residential students must upload the completed packet into Blackbaud.
Please note the the medical tab is only available to the parent profiles in Blackbaud, so parent profiles will need to be the ones that submit medical packets and allergies to the clinic.
Residential Class of 2027: Upload the Junior Medical Packet and any Individualized Health Plans to Blackbaud by Friday, May 30, 2025.
Online Class of 2027: Upload any applicable Individualized Health Plans to Blackbaud by Friday, May 30, 2025.
While online students do not need to upload the full Junior Medical Packet, they must ensure their allergies and any medical conditions are entered in the online Blackbaud Medical Information section.
Important Note: Missing required medical forms may prevent students from attending overnight events such as Online Weekend.
The Junior Medical Packet completion date is Friday May 30, 2025. All forms should be uploaded by the due date even if the last physical date is over a year old. The forms include the NCSSM physical form and the NCHSAA Physical form (A and B) both signed by a Primary Care Provider, Immunization Records, TB form signed by PCP and all pertinent allergy action plans. If your student has a new physical or updated immunization record after the due date, please update/upload in Blackbaud when available. Students must have all required forms and immunizations in order to move into the residence halls.
For varsity athletics, a physical less than a year old for the entire sports season must be submitted to the NCSSM clinic before tryouts or participation can occur.
Junior Medical Packet (link here) Blank versions of both the Junior Medical Packet and Senior Medical Packet
Form A (Student Health Conditions)
Forms B (NCHSAA Physical Evaluation Form)
Form C (Immunization Record Form)
Form D (Tuberculosis Screening & Risk Assessment Form)
Form E (Individualized Health Plans)
Form F (Medication Policies and Procedures)
Senior Medical Packet (link here)
Forms B (NCHSAA Physical Evaluation Form)
Individualized Health Plans
Medical Packet Upload Instructions
In Blackbaud, click on the student's name
Under Resources, find the tile that says Medical Form Upload Info
Click the Junior medical form link, print out the form, fill out the parent section and have the Primary Care provider sign all necessary forms. That will be what is uploaded later in these steps. If you need a blank JR Medical Form, you can also click here and you’ll go right to the drive to get one:
Click any pertinent allergy forms and print them out (see the Individualized Health Plans section of this Wiki page)
Upload into Blackbaud per instructions that say Medical Forms upload instructions under the resource tile in Blackbaud that says medical form upload info
For the medical packet, under the medical tab go to the allergies and conditions box
Click add new and you will see a box that is titled: Add allergy or condition
Use the drop down next to Type to select Allergy or Condition
If uploading an Allergy form, choose allergy and then it will ask Allergic to: where there is a drop down and you can choose the allergy related to the form you are uploading.
Upload the specific individualized health form where the last box says Files and Upload here (This wiki article has an example of a walkthrough in the Individualized Health Plans section of this page.)
When uploading the junior medical packet, choose condition next to the word type, and after condition is selected, choose medical packet in the drop down
Next to the file box, please upload the medical packet in it’s entirety with a label that says medical packet or similar. If you are only able to upload one page at a time, please label each page accordingly so that the clinic can access the necessary information easily.
Make sure to Save and Close or it will not be saved.
Individualized Health Plans
If your student has been diagnosed with Asthma, Allergies, and/or Seizures you will also need to upload an Individualized Health Plan. These health plans are found in the Medical Information Form. In order to complete this form, click on your name in the top right corner of Blackbaud and select Files and Forms:
Find the Medical Information Form and click Review and complete the form:
For this example, Ursula Unicorn has indicated that her son, Uber, has been diagnosed with an allergy to Yellow Jackets:
Under the Individualized Health Plan section she will download, print, and complete the corresponding health plan for sting allergies (these Health Plans can also be found in the Resource Board’s Medical Form Upload Info tile:
or you can access the links directly here:
Individualized Diabetes Action Plan
Individualized Health Plan for Asthma
Individualized Health Plan for Sting Allergies
Individualized Health Plan for Food Allergies
Individualized Health Plan for SeizuresAfter signing and completing the Medical Information Form, all conditions and allergies entered on the form will now display in the Medical section of the student record. To upload the completed and scanned copy of the Individualized Health Plan for Sting Allergies, Ursula will click in the edit button next to Yellow Jackets and upload the completed plan to the allergy record:
Complete this process for each condition or allergy that requires an Individualized Health Plan.
Additional Assistance
For additional questions and technical assistance relating to the Blackbaud Forms, please send us a ticket at
Helpful Links:
Blank versions of both the Junior Medical Packet and Senior Medical Packet
Individualized Health Plan for Asthma
Individualized Health Plan for Sting Allergy and Anaphylaxis
Individualized Health Plan for Diabetes
Individualized Health Plan for Food Allergies
Individualized Health Plan for Seizures
Manually Updating Allergies or Conditions After Completing the Onboarding Form/Medical Packet