Viewing Attendance Reports from Zoom Meetings

Viewing Attendance Reports from Zoom Meetings

This article explains how to view attendance reports from Zoom Meetings.

The attendance report is available 30 minutes after a meeting has ended.


  1. Log into the NCSSM Zoom account on the web. (ncssm.zoom.us)

  2. Click Reports and then choose Usage.


  3. Check the date range at the top includes the session for which you want to view attendance. Then click on the participants link on the session you wish to view.


  4. Click Show Unique Users to see a collapsed view of each attendee and their total attendance duration.

A student can sometimes show up multiple times in the report. This happens when a student leaves a meeting and re-joins it. It is important that you select “Show unique users” in order to merge duplicate entries for the same student and also display their correct total attendance time.

Exporting Attendance Reports (optional)

You may also choose to export your attendance records.

  1. Choose to Export with meeting data.

  2. Click the Export button.

A .csv file will download to your computer.

You can click File > Save As to save the exported report with a new name and in Excel format.