Guest Network Changes
ITS has introduced additional Guest networks on each campus, “Morganton Guest” and “Durham Guest”. These networks will be used for a variety of purposes, for example, hosting large groups of people that are not NCSSM community members for special events, conferences, and other occasions. These networks will not require a username and password (such as NCSSM Guest), but will use a personal shared key (like a home network). These keys are shared in the same Google Doc used for NCSSM Guest credentials, which continues to be available to employees on My NCSSM under the “Guest Network Wireless Access” bookmark.
As with the existing NCSSM Guest wireless network, we ask that you do not share this information with students. Additionally, we do not recommend any “guest” wireless network for employees’ use; there are a number of limitations on the guest networks, which would create a number of functional issues for your day-to-day work, that you will not find when using the recommended eduroam wireless network.
For all wireless connectivity instructions, please review the ITS Wiki. For any questions or issues with guest networking needs, or for requests for custom guest network needs for a major event, please contact ITS by ticket at or by emailing