Sample email to NCSSM Connect Facilitators

Sample email to NCSSM Connect Facilitators

Here is a sample email that can be edited and sent to the facilitators for your NCSSM Connect courses.

Good afternoon!

I can't believe it is time to take on another school year, already! I hope you had a relaxing summer break! I am one of the instructors for Honors Forensic Science this fall at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics and I would like to welcome you back to school! My records indicate that you will be the facilitator or point person for our course that starts on Monday (2nd block 9:50-11:00 am or 3rd block 11:40 am -12:50 pm). I am very excited to be working with you this semester! I have included few notes below to help us get started.

Here's a brief list of the most pressing issues in the first week or so of class:

  1. Drop/Add. Our Registrar Jennifer Betz handles all drop/add requests for our courses. Please contact her at your earliest convenience with changes in enrollment. There is usually a waitlist for this course, so the sooner students decide whether or not they wish to continue in the course, the sooner we can resolve the waitlist.

  2. Grade Reports. Based on the registration forms that are provided to the Registrar, students are entered into Focus, the Student Information System that we use at NCSSM. You will be provided with instructions for how to access Focus as we approach the first grading period for the course. 

  3. Access to Canvas. We will use Canvas as the Learning Management System for the course. Once we have student information entered into Focus, this information is transferred to Canvas and students gain access to the course. This is an NCSSM Canvas account, so if students have previously used Canvas at your school, they will have a different login site and different credentials. You will be provided with more information about accessing Canvas within the first 10 days of class.

  4. Site Visits. I will be reaching out to each of you in the coming weeks to schedule a visit out to your school. I love to come out and meet students face-to-face, whether it's a lab day or just an opportunity to sit and chat with them! I look forward to meeting you in person as well as on camera!

Please feel free to respond to this email with any questions or concerns. If you believe that this email has reached you in error, please let me know!

See you soon!

<Your name>

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