Hosting a Conference Session

This guide explains the basics of what to do when hosting a conference session using Zoom meetings.


  1. Connect to each Zoom session 10 minutes early when possible using the meeting link in your calendar invite.

  2. Make the presenter a co-host in the meeting. This will allow them to share their screen.

  3. Turn on closed captioning by clicking on the Live Transcript button.

    Then choose to Enable live transcription.

    Please turn on captions for each session you host.

  4. Monitor the meeting. If any participants are not muted and are loud, please mute them. If any participant posts anything inappropriate to the chat, remove them from the meeting (I don’t predict this will be a problem).

    Controls for muting and removing participants are in the menu next to each person’s name under Participants.


  5. You do not need to introduce each speaker. I am telling all presenters that they should introduce themselves. You can however, prompt them when it is time to stop and also let them know you will prompt them to end.

  6. Please end on time or a bit early, since there is only 10 minutes between sessions.

  7. Do not record any of the sessions.