Recording NCSSM Connect Grades from Canvas into BlackBaud

Recording NCSSM Connect Grades from Canvas into BlackBaud

This guide explains how to report grades for NCSSM Connect (videoconference) courses. Be sure to use the filter option in your gradebook to view the appropriate grading period for which you are reporting.

Use the “Apply Filters” function in the gradebook to filter by Grading Period

  1. Click on the Apply Filters button in your gradebook.

  2. Choose Grading Periods >

  3. Select only the appropriate grading period for which you are reporting.

    You can see the start date, end date, and closing date after each grading period name. (The closing date is the date after which no grades can be entered or edited in Canvas).

  4. After applying filters, you should see the title of the grading period you are viewing grades for in the gradebook.

Assignments are sorted into grading periods based on their due dates. Please ensure all graded assignments have due dates. If an assignment appears in the wrong grading period, simply edit the due date so it falls within the correct date range.

Start and end dates for each grading period can be found by viewing the title of each grading period in the “Apply Filters” menu in the Canvas gradebook.

Each grading period is followed by the start date, end date, and then the closing date (after which grades can no longer be entered or edited in Canvas).

This is the format: Grading Period: Start date - End date | Closing date


For more information on grading periods, see this guide: NCSSM Connect Grade Period Weighting

Quarter 1 Progress Reports (4 weeks)

In Canvas:

Choose to view the first quarter grades by using the “Apply Filters” button and choosing to filter only the first quarter grades.


You will enter both number and letter grades from the Total grade column in Canvas into BlackBaud (see instructions below).

In Blackbaud:

  1. Begin by logging in to Blackbaud using your NCSSM credentials.

  2. Make sure you are in the “Faculty” persona, and use the “Classes” dropdown to select each of the courses for grade entry.


  3. From the course page, you can select the “grading” tab, which will take you to the grade entry screen for that course.


  4. Once you are at the grade entry screen:

    1. Enter the letter grade for each student with the pull-down menu in the Progress 1 column.

    2. Enter the number grade for each student in each entry box in the Progress 1 column.

    3. To add a comment, click the add button in the comment column. Comments are required for grades of C-, D, or U.

    4. You may add a general comment to all students in the class by using the “add to all” button at the top.  The comment space is quite large and will accommodate listings of missed assignments etc.  Comments will be sent with the student progress reports to the schools.

  5. Once all of your grades and comments are entered, please select the review button beside each grade (or check the “Review All” button at the top of the column). 

  6. Your grades will save automatically.  

  7. Please note that checking the checkbox next to grade under the “Inc” column will delete the grade. Please do not check the “Inc” box.  

  8. If you have questions or run into any difficulties, please email registrar@ncssm.edu

First Quarter Final Grade (8 weeks)

In Canvas:

Choose to view the first quarter grades by using the “Apply Filters” button and choosing to filter only the first quarter grades.

You will report letter and number grades from the Total column when entering grades in BlackBaud (see instructions below).

In BlackBaud:

  1. Begin by logging in to Blackbaud using your NCSSM credentials.

  2. Make sure you are in the “Faculty” persona, and use the “Classes” dropdown to select each of the courses for grade entry.


  3. From the course page, you can select the “grading” tab, which will take you to the grade entry screen for that course.


  4. Once you are at the grade entry screen:

    1. Enter the letter grade for each student with the pull-down menu in the Q1 column.

    2. Enter the number grade for each student in each entry box in the Q1 column.

    3. To add a comment, click the add button in the comment column. Comments are required for grades of C-, D, or U.

    4. You may add a general comment to all students in the class by using the “add to all” button at the top.  The comment space is quite large and will accommodate listings of missed assignments etc.  Comments will be sent with the student progress reports to the schools.

  5. Once all of your grades and comments are entered, please select the review button beside each grade (or check the “Review All” button at the top of the column). 

  6. Your grades will save automatically.  

  7. Please note that checking the checkbox next to grade under the “Inc” column will delete the grade. Please do not check the “Inc” box.  

  8. If you have questions or run into any difficulties, please email registrar@ncssm.edu

Quarter 2 Progress Report (12 weeks)

You must enter the final grade for the first quarter once more, to take into account any updates (due to students turning in late work, etc.)

In Canvas:

You will be reporting grades for both the first and second grading period in Canvas.

Use the “Apply Filters” button in the Canvas gradebook to switch between grading periods. Ensure you are viewing either the first or second grading period when reporting grades, and not the option for “All Grading Periods.”


In BlackBaud:

  1. Begin by logging in to Blackbaud using your NCSSM credentials.

  2. Make sure you are in the “Faculty” persona, and use the “Classes” dropdown to select each of the courses for grade entry.


  3. From the course page, you can select the “grading” tab, which will take you to the grade entry screen for that course.


Enter First Quarter Final Grade

In Canvas:
  1. Use the “Apply Filters” button the gradebook to view on the grades for the first grading period.

  2. Record the number grade from the Canvas gradebook Total column in to BlackBaud (instructions below).

In BlackBaud:

At the grade entry screen in BlackBaud, enter the final grade for the first quarter into the Q1 column. (You must enter this grade even if it has not changed since the last grading report).


Enter Second Quarter Grade

In Canvas:
  1. Use the “Apply Filters” button in the Canvas gradebook to view only the second grading period grades.

  2. Record the number grade from the Canvas gradebook Total column in to BlackBaud (instructions below).


In BlackBaud:
  1. Enter the Second Quarter number grade in the Progress 3 column.

  2. Use the pull-down menu to record the Second Quarter letter grade in the Progress 3 column.

  3. To add a comment, click the add button in the comment column. Comments are required for grades of C-, D, or U. (You may add a general comment to all students in the class by using the “add to all” button at the top.  The comment space is quite large and will accommodate listings of missed assignments etc.) Comments will be sent with the student progress reports to the schools.


  4. Once all of your grades and comments are entered, please select the review button beside each grade (or check the “Review All” button at the top of the column). 


  5. Your grades will save automatically.  

  6. Please note that checking the checkbox next to grade under the “Inc” column will delete the grade. Please do not check the “Inc” box.  

  7. If you have questions or run into any difficulties, please email registrar@ncssm.edu

Final Course Grade (16 weeks)

In Canvas:

You will be reporting grades for both the first and second grading period in Canvas and the “All Grading Period” in the Canvas course gradebook.

You must enter the final grade for the first quarter once more, to take into account any updates (due to students turning in late work, etc.)

Use the “Apply Filter” button in the Canvas gradebook to switch between grading periods. Ensure you are viewing the correct grading period when entering grades.


In BlackBaud:

  1. Begin by logging in to Blackbaud using your NCSSM credentials.

  2. Make sure you are in the “Faculty” persona, and use the “Classes” dropdown to select each of the courses for grade entry.


  3. From the course page, you can select the “grading” tab, which will take you to the grade entry screen for that course.


Enter First Quarter Final Grade

In Canvas:
  1. Use the “Apply Filters” button in the Canvas gradebook to view only the first grading period.

  2. Record the number grade from the Canvas gradebook Total column in to BlackBaud (instructions below).

In BlackBaud:

At the grade entry screen in BlackBaud, enter the final grade for the first quarter into the Q1 column. (You must enter this grade even if it has not changed since the last grading report).


Enter Second Quarter Grade

In Canvas:
  1. Use the “Apply Filter” button in the Canvas gradebook to view only the second grading period.

  2. Record the number grade from the Canvas gradebook Total column in to BlackBaud (instructions below).

In BlackBaud:

Enter the grade number from the second quarter Total column (Canvas) into the Q2 column in BlackBaud.


Enter Final Exam Grade

In Canvas:
  1. Choose to view the final exam grades by using the “Apply Filter” button to view only the Final Exam grading period.

  2. Record the number grade from the Canvas gradebook Total column in to BlackBaud (instructions below).

In BlackBaud:

Enter the number grade for the final exam into the Final Exam column in BlackBaud.


Enter the Final Course Grade

In Canvas:

Choose to view the final grade for All Grading Periods by using the “Apply Filters” button.

Record the numerical grade and letter grade in BlackBaud for the final course grade (instructions below).

In BlackBaud:
  1. Enter the semester number grade in the S1 or S2 column (S1 is for Semester 1 and S2 is for Semester 2).

  2. Use the pull-down menu to record the semester letter grade in the S1 or S2 column.

  3. To add a comment, click the add button in the comment column. Comments are required for grades of C-, D, or U. (You may add a general comment to all students in the class by using the “add to all” button at the top.  The comment space is quite large and will accommodate listings of missed assignments etc.) Comments will be sent with the student progress reports to the schools.


  4. Once all of your grades and comments are entered, please select the review button beside each grade (or check the “Review All” button at the top of the column). 

  5. Your grades will save automatically.  

  6. Please note that checking the checkbox next to grade under the “Inc” column will delete the grade. Please do not check the “Inc” box.  

  7. If you have questions or run into any difficulties, please email registrar@ncssm.edu