Embed a Panopto Video in a Canvas Course

The following guide explains how to embed a Panopto video in a Canvas course.


  1. While editing a page or assignment, place your cursor where you wish to embed the video.

  2. Select the Panopto icon in the rich content editor toolbar. This will open the Panopto window.

    Panopto Icon in the rich content editor toolbar


  3. Select the video to upload by doing the following:

    1. Use the pull-down menu to select the folder that houses the video you wish to embed. (You may need to click the arrow next to “My Folder” in order to display the subfolders within “My Folder.”

    2. Select the video

    3. (Optional) Edit the Video Embed Options

    4. Click the Insert button.



If you have not previously uploaded the video to Panopto and you need to upload the video in order to embed it:

a. select the Upload tab in the Panopto window

b. drag and drop the video into the upload window.

Detailed instructions for uploading videos to a Canvas course




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