Request Captions on a Video

Request Captions on a Video

The following guide explains how captioning works in Panopto and how to request professional captions for a video.

About Captioning

All videos uploaded to Panopto or recorded on Zoom (using Cloud Recording) are automatically machine captioned. While this works for many uses, it is not considered ADA-compliant, as machine speech-to-text often generates too many errors to be useful to students who rely on captioning.

Editing Captions

Machine captioning (machine generated speech-to-text) may result in occasional errors. You have the ability to edit the captions to fix mistakes.

How to Edit or Delete Captions (links to an external website)

Professional Captioning Request

NCSSM has some funding available for professional ADA-compliant human captioning. We recommend requesting professional captioning any time you create a video you plan to use each semester when teaching a class, or any time you have a student enrolled who requires captioning.

Panopto Captioning Request Form